Liquid Airseeders designed for improved plant nutrition and reduced costs
Horwood Bagshaw Australian designed and built
Liquid Airseeders
Variable Rate Technology
Horwood Bagshaw’s innovative electric drive, variable rate Airseeders offer reduced costs and increased yields. The variable rate technology allows the operator to customise seed and fertiliser application to suit varying soil types and conditions. Ask your local dealer or contact Horwood Bagshaw for more information.
Horwood Bagshaw Australian designed and built Liquid Airseeders:
- Improve plant nutrition availability, reducing costs and increasing yields
- Ease of liquid handling and storage
- Less down time- liquids don’t need to be refilled as often
- More accurate placement of fertiliser bands
- Offer the ability to include trace elements and herbicides

Large wheel & heavy duty axle assemblies
Large wheel and axle assemblies give the strength and durability demanded by Australian conditions. The big ‘footprint’ wheels ensure better flotation, reduced rolling resistance and minimal soil compaction. Tractor-style treads minimise ruts, avoid mud build-up and are easier to pull.

Practical modular metering boxes
Strong, nylon fluted rollers accurately meter fine, medium or coarse seeds and granular fertilisers. There is no need to change cartridges, metering shafts, etc., with each change of product. The roller flutes are staggered to ensure a smooth, continual flow of material into the airstream.

"Easy change" blending system
Blend fertiliser with seed, using a simple lever adjustment. A simple, single lever system for blending fertiliser and seed is standard on all Airseeders. Triple shooting is also possible on 12 outlet models.

"On the go" seeding control
Choose a control system from a range of suppliers including Topcon, Farmscan, Trimble and Agleader, etc. A Variable Rate Controller provides, reliable, automatic and comprehensive controls to maximise efficiencies and potential yields. Simple ‘Finger-Touch’ control of seeding rates ‘on the go’ allows you to make the best use of your farm’s soil conditions.
Maximise the benefits of timely and accurate sowing with a Horwood Bagshaw Airseeder to match your needs

Single Shooting
Single shooting is mixing one, two or more materials together in a single delivery system and placing them in the soil together, in one location. Commonly, single shooting is applying all fertiliser, all seed, or mixing and sowing seed and fertiliser, or several types of fertiliser together in one location.
Double Shooting
Double shooting is delivering seed and fertiliser through separate hoses to separate locations in the soil. Commonly, double shooting places the fertiliser below, or to the side of the seed.
Double Shoot with Blending
Double shooting with blending means delivery of:
- Fertiliser blended with seed in one hose.
- Fertiliser only in the second hose and placing them in different locations in the soil bed.
Mixing two fertilisers and placing them separate from the seed is also known as double shooting.
Triple Shooting
Using a Triple Bin Airseeder, it is possible to sow:
- Seed and fertiliser through one set of hoses.
- Urea through another.
Triple shooting with Blending means delivery of:
- Seed blended with fertiliser through one set of hoses.
- Fertiliser blended with urea through another.